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The green and eco-friendly website builder

Create environmentally sustainable and green websites completely independently and in minutes with RevasOS, the website builder with integrated CMS developed with the environment in mind.

Create the greenest website now

Green hosting

The websites you build with RevasOS and RevasOS itself sit on Europe's greenest servers, 97 percent powered by alternative energy sources and cooled by the icy waters of the North Sea.

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Optimized templates

RevasOS's templates are not only extremely well-maintained in terms of design, but also in terms of environmental performance. Loading time is almost immediate, images are cached, and every element is designed to make your site environmentally friendly and green from the first load.

Green website builder

RevasOS itself is built with its eco-sustainability and green principles in mind. The code sits on the greenest servers in Europe, the same ones your website sits on; in addition, tricks related to the software and servers allow RevasOS to reduce its environmental impact. For example, when you are not using it, RevasOS stays off, turning on only when needed.

Green by design

RevasOS has a goal: to build the best technologies and make them available to companies and organizations to guide them toward real decarbonization of information systems. When we develop our products and strategies, we think about how to make sustainability scalable

great numbers

Tiny footprint, huge impact

Websites made with Revas have pages that are on average 95 percent greener than all web pages globally.

The lowest carbon emissions you can find

Globally, an average web page produces about 0.8 grams of CO2 equivalent per page view. For a website with 10,000 monthly views, this is equivalent to 102 kg of CO2e per year. A RevasOS website produces only 0.04 grams per page viewed: 95.12 percent less CO2.

Impact on the environment is tangible

RevasOS uses sustainable energy and we build with sustainability in mind. That is why we have reached the goal of requiring only one tree to absorb the amount of carbon your website will emit over the course of the year if you have 10,000 page views per month.

Maximum web performance

Mezzo secondo: è questo il tempo medio di caricamento di una pagina quando si costruisce un sito web con Revas, mentre in media un sito web si carica in 3 secondi. Il vostro sito web si carica velocemente, indipendentemente dalle immagini e dai contenuti che avete aggiunto, offrendo agli utenti un'esperienza di navigazione rapida e fluida.

Game-changing technology

We provide companies with powerful sustainable technologies

RevasOS has a goal: to build the best technologies and make them available to companies and organizations to guide them toward truly decarbonizing information systems. When we develop our products and strategies, we think about how to make sustainability scalable: we create technologies and software designed to be sustainable and help the people and companies that use them have a greater positive impact.


Transitioning to green solutions

Indeed, in the coming decades, it will be necessary to reduce the environmental impact of the activities we carry out on a daily basis because of the need to eliminate the use of fossil fuels. This is a major transformative process for humanity, but one that will enable us to prevent the most catastrophic effects of climate change.


Spreading the use of green technology

That is why we decided to make environmental assessment an integral part of our development process. The software used by organizations can have a huge impact: the more environmentally friendly software used in day-to-day activities, the more we can reduce our impact on the planet.

Impact and performance

High-quality technology with low environmental impact. A dream now a reality.

The servers and data centers where RevasOS is hosted are operated with vendors that have been at the forefront of initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of technology and to be carbon neutral since 2007. We are able to measure how much carbon dioxide RevasOS produces when it is used and the sources of electricity used. And we write code to optimize performance and resource use. We believe that developing high-quality technologies without any impact on the environment is possible. And RevasOS is proof of that.


Building Revas with the environment in mind

From choosing vendors to choosing where to store data, our choices are driven by the constant quest to reduce our impact. And without affecting performance.

We select strategic suppliers

All of our data centers use technologies to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible. In fact, our suppliers invest in sustainability initiatives every year, and because of its work, all of our servers are carbon neutral. The goal is to achieve exclusive use of carbon-neutral power by 2030.

A one-of-a-kind datacenter

The European EU1 data center where the RevasOS code is located is in Finland, where servers are cooled with the icy water of the Finnish seas, reducing energy consumption and disinterestedness. 100% carbon neutral, 91% of the energy used comes from completely renewable sources-it is one of the first of its kind in the world.

Smarter, more efficient data centers

The data centers hosting RevasOS are 200 percent more energy efficient than typical enterprise data centers and, for the same power consumption, provide 600 percent more computing power today than five years ago. Thus, they can have high performance with a reduced level of emissions.

there's more

Everything you need for a great website

Integrated content management system, SEO and performance optimization, hosting, customization, internationalization and more: with Revas you have all the tools you need to build, publish and grow an extraordinary website.

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