RevasOS LogoRevasOS


Make your users navigate everywhere you want

Create flows quickly by adding links to pages, blocks, items and go even further with main blocks, notifications and main links

Start building now

Your website is going to be easy to explore

Create flows to guide users through pages or add specific sections to support or sales or communication goals.


Add links everywhere you need them — pages, blocks, items, navbars or footers. Get full granular control on where to place them so you know where to point your users with high precision

Link everything

Not just external links: with Revas you can link all the resources you create. Link a page, link a content or a full page — with the search bar, you can find all the resources you created for optimal routing.

Automatic previews

Do you have a blog and you want to add a preview of the most recents posts? With dynamic preview blocks you can do that in just a click. Add a section that populates with the contents of a CMS library and automatically stays up to date with all changes.

coming soon


Add automatic redirects from links and pages that you deleted or that you moved, so you can make changes to routes without impacting SEO and user experience.


Add a link that is always present in every page and is seen first by user to promote products, discounts or events

Main link

Add a link that is always fixed on top of every page and always available to give users a unique call to action for your entire website, like getting in touch with you, signing up to your service or making a reservation.

Call To Action

Add a specific section with a link that users can always find at the end of your pages or flows, so you can always give them a final call to action to complete their journey.


Link everything to everything

Let your users discover everything they need. Thanks to powerful indexing operations, Revas helps you find all your resources through a simple search bar so you can link pages, contents or libraries effortlessly.


Create flawless flows for your goals

Thanks to specific section specifically designed with communications and marketing tactics in mind, you can add an extra touch to your flows to make them more effective.

All you need for a great website

Built-in content management system, SEO & performances optimisations, hosting, customisation, internationalisations and more — with Revas you have all the tools you need to build, publish and grow an amazing website

Create the website you and your users will love

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