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Website Management

Manage your website with peace of mind

Manage multiple pages and languages without hassle from one unified tool. Drafts lets you preview changes before publishing and teams enable you to give permissions to the right users.

Start now

Keep everything running smoothly

Revas has all the tools you need now and in the future to manage all the aspects of your websites. So you can start now and grow knowing that everything will be kept in place and easy to manage.


Add all the versions you need for specific language zones and regions. And go beyond that: you can craft pages and blocks and add images that are available only for specific versions.

See all Internationalisation features

Teams and permissions

Create teams and add permissions to them so you can give permissions in bulk. Specific permissions help your collaborators stay organised and gives you peace of mind knowing exactly who does what.

Drafts and previews

Create drafts so that you can explore different configurations and contents. Preview them using preview links and, once ready, publish changes instantly or plan them for a future date. Made a mistake? unpublish a page or publish new changes with the clic of a button. With Revas, you have full control over what is online and what isn’t.

Custom domain and subdomain

With Revas you can link your own domain to a website or add a subdomain, so you can create your custom URL and personalize your web projects.


Revas continuously improve, adding new features or optimising performances. Your website will always be up to date with the latest web technologies, fast and accessible for your users. Without worrying about all the technical aspects of your website, you can focus on creating amazing web experiences for your users.

Learning material

Revas learning documentation is always available 24/7 with up to date use cases and instructions on how to best use the software. If you need a quick review to refresh your knowledge or you have a new team member and need to teach them how to update your website, with Revas documentation you can do that any time you need.

Flexibility and customisation

Need to add a newsletter form for your email campaigns? Maybe you would like to change the background color of a block? Whatever the customisation you want to add is, Revas will allow you to expand it with your tools of choice with custom code.

All you need for a great website

Built-in content management system, SEO & performances optimisations, hosting, customisation, internationalisations and more — with Revas you have all the tools you need to build, publish and grow an amazing website

Create the website you and your users will love

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